Mp3 Download song Martyr A.D. American Hollow FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Martyr A.D. song lyrics

Martyr A.D. - American Hollow Lyrics

You're a tragedy with a tongue
You're the last ditch effort at nothing
Sit down and strap yourself tight
I'll blow you away
I'm your suicide, I'am your homicide
I know where you hide'cuz I'am you inside
I know how and why to hurt you
I'll never leave you
I know why your life is empty
I know why you'll always stay
You're sickened mouth of depravity
You're herpetic limbless and fake
The last ignorant pacifist
I'll blow you away
I know how you've been so "wrangled"
And how how the world is your enemy
How they kicked you down, how they left you
I'll never leave you
I know why your life is empty
I know why you'll always stay
I am the reason you're always bleeding
I know why you'll always stay
I am inside of you
I know why your life is empty
I know why you'll always stay
I am the reason you're always bleeding
I know why you'll always stay
I am inside of you
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